Snowmobiling in Golden BC West Bench Trail

Snowmobiling for us outdoorsy lite types

Our first ‘gateway sledding’ tour is only just the beginning

When we first starting coming to Golden, we mainly stuck to downhill skiing. That’s always been our No. 1 winter activity, and Kicking Horse Mountain Resort has been amazing for us in that regard.

But it was only a matter of time, as we came to discover more of what Golden has to offer, that we would also start expanding our repertoire of activities.

Stephanie Knaak's picture
by Stephanie Knaak
Snowmobiling powder day in Golden BC Silent Pass

Snowmobiling Upper Holt

Whether we choose to enter the backcountry on foot, bike or motorized vehicle, we are accepting the risk that something could break down and leave us stranded. Some breakdowns can lead to epics that are talked about for a long time, like coming out in the dark, overnighting in weird places or even requiring a helicopter ride. Blowing the track off a snowmobile in the wrong place could make for a bad time, but luckily for me it couldn’t have happened in a better spot.

Tourism Golden's picture
by Tourism Golden
Nordic Skiing at Dawn Mountain Golden BC

It doesn’t get better than Nordic skiing at Dawn Mountain

Full disclosure – I’m a novice cross-country skier. I shuffle more than glide and I always seem to be expending way more energy than should be required to move myself along the trail.

But I sure have a lot of fun doing it!

Stephanie Knaak's picture
by Stephanie Knaak

December 31 2014 - Snowmobiling Lang Creek

With the recent warm weather and rain, the trail into Gorman Lake is a bit icy on the corners on the lower section but once you

Colin Wallace's picture
by Colin Wallace

Snowshoeing and hot chocolate – a match made in Golden

Snowshoeing has officially become our new thing in the ‘let’s do a family activity today’ department. It’s easy to plan, even easier to execute, and it’s something we can do with the dog – always a bonus.

Stephanie Knaak's picture
by Stephanie Knaak